Gravesend Grammer School for Girls

Money Matters

School Fund

The school maintains a school fund, which contributes towards the costs of some outings, field trips, newspapers and periodicals, expenses for outside speakers, the school minibus, projects which cannot be funded through the school’s budget and a large number of other items which support the education and school life of our students.  We request an annual voluntary contribution from parents in order to maintain this fund.  The contribution is currently £21.00 per student, £31.00 for 2 sisters and £41.00 for 3 sisters. 

Unfortunately the fund does not cover the full cost of all the activities we arrange and we may also need to request additional voluntary contributions for particular outings etc. in the future. 

Contributions should be sent into school, if at all possible, in the form of a cheque and placed in a sealed envelope with your daughter’s name, Form and the words “School Fund” written on the front, (cheques should be made payable to Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend).

The school has established a Gift Aid scheme to take advantage of the tax benefits regarding donations to charities.  The School Fund is a registered charity and can thus take advantage of these changes.   A Gift Aid Declaration form can be obtained from the school.  On receipt of your completed form the school can reclaim your tax from the Inland Revenue.  The school will make the necessary claim, which will not involve you other than completing the declaration.  We hope you will support us with this scheme.


Free School Meals 

For Free School Meals information please click:

Free School Meals.pdf

Download our new prospectus