Gravesend Grammer School for Girls

Curriculum Introduction

Key Stage 3

KS3 curriculum - Year 7.pdf

KS3 curriculum - Year 8.pdf

KS3 curriculum - Year 9.pdf

The curriculum fulfils the National Curriculum guidelines and initially, from Year 7, students will be working to ensure consolidation of the levels they achieved during Key Stage 2 at their primary school. They will also be studying two modern foreign languages.  The programmes of study at Key Stage 3 are broader than at Key Stage 2 and further study may be required at the levels attained.

Across the curriculum a variety of teaching and learning strategies will be employed so that all students are provided with the opportunities to be fully motivated and stretched according to their aptitude and ability. Increased attention is paid to the development of Thinking Skills across all subjects. Regular and varied assessment tasks will be set.

Assessment for Learning improves the quality of feedback to students to enable them to make the next steps to improvement regardless of the level they are at. All subjects at Key Stage 3 will use the following approaches to assessment:

  • Most written work will be marked with comments that identify targets for improvement. At intervals during the year students will be given information about what National Curriculum level they are working at.
  • Additionally, questions will be frequently asked in class using the “No Hands Up” rule. This is designed to ensure that all students participate in class discussion. 
  • Peer and self assessment is a key characteristic of Assessment for Learning. In practice this means that students will be increasingly asked to assess their own or other people’s work using the relevant assessment criteria. 

Citizenship is a statutory subject and is delivered through all subjects in the curriculum. It enables students to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to become informed, active and responsible members of local, national and global communities. 

In addition to their curriculum studies all students will have regular Personal, Social and Health Education lessons. Included in these lessons is Careers Education, learning about Internet Safety, Mobile Phone Safety, Drugs Awareness, personal safety outside the home and coping with anxiety.

Key Stage 4

The school aims to provide you with a broad, balanced curriculum based on current National Curriculum guidelines and legislation. This will give you maximum flexibility in your future choices for academic study or career. The choices will allow you to study nine subjects at full GCSE, and we are also offering the option of an AS subject to some students instead of one of those GCSE options. Some students may also gain an extra one or two GCSEs by studying Statistics and/or Triple Science.

Most courses will involve assessed coursework which will be completed throughout the two years as well as terminal examinations. Coursework will include written, practical and oral work and will be done mostly in lesson time. At the beginning of Year 10, and again at the beginning of Year 11, you will receive notification of coursework requirements, deadlines and methods of study.

Full details of courses offered are given on the subject pages.

You will also follow:
  a core PE course
  a Tutorial programme
  a Personal Development course, which incorporates PSHE, Work Related Learning, Citizenship and core RE.

Careers and other aspects of PSHE will be included within the curriculum.

Key Stage 5

Our aim is that students leave Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend fully equipped for the next phase of their lives as confident and independent young adults, ready to become the leaders of tomorrow.

We are proud to offer a wide range of subjects to study with over 20 subjects being offered at AS and A Level internally.

We are developing the Sixth Form curriculum to embrace the wider range of activities performed by all students outside the classroom. All students work towards the AQA Baccalaureate which includes recognition of enrichment activities performed by students, including community work and work-related activities.

In addition students are able to show their ability through the production of a research based Extended Project on a topic of their own choosing. This develops the advanced skills of independent learning, time management, analysis and the selection and synthesis of appropriate information.

The whole award is centred around A Levels, the selection of which is based on modern content within the specifications chosen. This is an exciting prospect which moves on from the traditional curriculum and recognises the skills required by Higher Education and employers.

Over 85% of students annually move on to Higher Education. The specialist advice given by experienced staff is designed to assist students in making the right curriculum decisions to assist in their career progression.

All subjects are taught by specialist teachers who have a real passion for what they teach. The content of each subject can be found on the subject pages.

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